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Damien Broadhurst Gabriel Broadhurst Wack Bat



Created out of a desire to improve batting skills, the Wack Bat can transform the performance of players of all ages.

The conundrum of batters not being able to train alone, with the exception of mundane and boring shadow batting sessions, fuelled the thought pattern for the conception of the Wack Bat.  With my son playing from under tens right through the county age group squads, trainings aids were introduced to improve bat speed, but nothing really satisfying or stimulating enough to keep players interested for long enough for them to be effective.  

After several years and various prototypes, the Wack Bat design was perfected.  With a new modern brand of aggressive cricket now being played, where batters are expected to hit the ball harder and further than ever before, a training aid to develop this is crucial.

Not only does the Wack Bat improve bat speed, with the quicker the hand speed the louder the whack, but also works on timing.  With the inner tube length being gauged so that the whack is created directly below the batters eyes, with the intention of grooving late play.  Used with a tennis ball being fed by a coach, the whack should coincide exactly with the hitting of the ball.  If the whack is encountered before the ball is hit, this indicates playing too early, and so encourages the batter to wait for the ball and play later, improving timing and generating more power.

The bat is great for mental preparation and warming up in the changing rooms or on the boundary before going out to bat.  For younger players it improves back lift.  As well as bat speed, it has been used effectively in soft hand training with the quieter the whack, the softer the hands.

Anything that encourages players to pick up a bat and practice shots is a good thing, but the Wack Bat is so much more.  It takes the boredom out of shadow batting and makes it enjoyable and satisfying.  At last, batters can train alone in any weather, anytime, anywhere.

Damien Broadhurst

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